The Big Selfless Sew for Solace Women's Aid ❤️
We're so excited to be teaming up with Solace Women's Aid for another Big Selfless Sew this year, making gifts for women and children who have to spend Christmas in a refuge to escape domestic abuse.
We'd love you to get involved by making our Drawstring Bag or Toiletries Bag and sending them to us at the SOI headquarters. We will then fill your handmade bags with useful gifts for the women and children supported by Solace Women's Aid, to make the festive season a little brighter for them.
These bags are quick and easy sewing projects that can be made in very little time and they're perfect to use up some fabric scraps from your stash. They'll make a really lovely gift for someone who is going through a rough time this Christmas, and we'll make sure they're filled with lots of useful and nice toiletries.
The dimensions for the bags are:
Drawstring bag - 2x 35x35cm squares for the main body of the bag - 2x 35x4cm rectangles for the drawstring casing (you can make this wider if you're using a wider cord/ribbon in the bag)
Toiletries bag - 2x 35x30cm rectangles for the main body of the bag plus 1x 25cm cm zip
If you'd like to help, send your bag(s) to the address below and please note that we will need to have received them by Monday 5th December 2022.
Please send your bags to:
Sew Over It
The Big Selfless Sew
606 Lock Studios
7 Corsican Square
E3 3YD
If you need some help making the Drawstring Bag or Toiletries Bag, check out our Sewalong on YouTube and sew them up with Lisa!