Behind The Seams

The Solace Selfless Sew ❤️
We're so excited to be teaming up with Solace Women's Aid for another Big Selfless Sew this year, making gifts for women and children who have to spend the festive season in a refuge...
The Solace Selfless Sew ❤️
We're so excited to be teaming up with Solace Women's Aid for another Big Selfless Sew this year, making gifts for women and children who have to spend the festive season in a refuge...

How to assemble a PDF pattern at home
Did you know all of our sewing patterns are available in digital PDF format? That means you can buy a pattern and sew up a new dress in the very same day! In...
How to assemble a PDF pattern at home
Did you know all of our sewing patterns are available in digital PDF format? That means you can buy a pattern and sew up a new dress in the very same day! In...

Top Tips for Sewing with Viscose
We love sewing with Viscose, it's the perfect fabric for so many of our sewing patterns. If you're not familiar with Viscose, have a look at our Introduction class on...
Top Tips for Sewing with Viscose
We love sewing with Viscose, it's the perfect fabric for so many of our sewing patterns. If you're not familiar with Viscose, have a look at our Introduction class on...

Introducing the VIP Club 2024
Introducing the Sew Over It VIP Pattern Club 2024!The VIP Club membership is just £10 for the year and the benefits are fabulous: one FREE PDF pattern download of your choice*...
Introducing the VIP Club 2024
Introducing the Sew Over It VIP Pattern Club 2024!The VIP Club membership is just £10 for the year and the benefits are fabulous: one FREE PDF pattern download of your choice*...

The Big Sew Off 2023 - All the details!
With less than a week to go before the sewing event of the year, we are getting very excited about The Big Sew Off 2023 in aid of mental health charity Mind!The Big...
The Big Sew Off 2023 - All the details!
With less than a week to go before the sewing event of the year, we are getting very excited about The Big Sew Off 2023 in aid of mental health charity Mind!The Big...

The Big Sew Off 2023 - Save The Date
Last year we organised our first ever sewathon (sewing marathon) and thanks to your support we managed to raise £10k for charity, so we’re doing it all again in aid...
The Big Sew Off 2023 - Save The Date
Last year we organised our first ever sewathon (sewing marathon) and thanks to your support we managed to raise £10k for charity, so we’re doing it all again in aid...

Did you know we use sustainable packaging?
If you've ordered some lovely fabric or patterns from us recently, you might have noticed that we have had a packaging upgrade! We spent a lot of time researching sustainable...
Did you know we use sustainable packaging?
If you've ordered some lovely fabric or patterns from us recently, you might have noticed that we have had a packaging upgrade! We spent a lot of time researching sustainable...

The Big Sew Off 2022
Join us for The Big Sew Off to raise money for mental health charity Mind. The last couple of years have been really tough on everyone’s mental health, and sewing has been...
The Big Sew Off 2022
Join us for The Big Sew Off to raise money for mental health charity Mind. The last couple of years have been really tough on everyone’s mental health, and sewing has been...